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that was a really good meal, gordon.   这顿饭真不错,戈登.
it sure was. i couldn’t eat another bite.   是啊,我一口也吃不下了.
well, it is getting pretty late. i think we should go home.   现已很晚了,咱们该回家了.
you’re right. i have to get up early to go to work tomorrow.   你说的对,明早还要起早回家呢.
let’s see how much the bill is.   咱们看看账单吧.
don’t worry about it. tonight is my treat.   你别管了,今晚我请客.
what are you talking about? we’ll split the bill.   这怎么行,咱们平分,aa制.

no, i insist. i kept telling you that i would treat you to dinner but i still haven’t.   不,我必定要付账.我老是跟你说要请你吃饭,可一向没机缘.
no way, gordon. i know that you are a little short on cash at the moment. there’s no need for you to pay for the whole bill.   不可.我晓得你如今缺钱,你都不必付.
alright, if that’s the way you are going to be, we’ll split the bill.   好吧,假定你坚持的话,咱们就aa制吧. that’s better. this way we will both have money to take a cab home, otherwise, you would probably have to walk.   这样好一点.这样咱
just promise you will let me treat you to dinner next week, ok?   那你保证下周让我请你,好吗?   you’ve got a deal.   我保证.


关于作者: admin
