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Task 1

Describe a behavior that many people maydo in public that find inconsiderable.




尽管这种标题表面上很简略,可是越简略的标题越会让我们拿不定主见。只需你觉得别人这样做短少公共道德,违背公共次序,就是不文明的行为。我第一个想到的就是在公共场合大声讲电话因为这是日子中最实际的领会。答案的内容可以加上一个故事(比方说有一天在地铁上你带着耳机在听歌看视频成果周围有人大声说话影响到你)。其他不文明的行为包括随地吐痰(Spitting),公共场合抽烟 (Smoking in public)或许大声喧闹(Speaking loudly)。

Task 2

Many peoplethink that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams.Others think that students learn more effectively through other activities suchas writing papers or completing projects. Which do you agree and why?





2017年5月27日托福口语Task 1考前必做操练题

1. Describe what your life would be like living without a cell phone for a month. Explain why with details and examples.

– More time to spend on other activities such as reading or socializing

– Will miss some important phone calls

– Won’t be able to get up-to-date information such as news and other events

2. Describe a serious problem that your country is facing. Explain why this problem is serious with details.

– Air pollution caused by disposal of electronic devices

– Traffic congestion problems

3. Which of the following classes would you prefer to take if you were to learn about the Italian culture? A cooking class, a film class, or a history class?

– Reasons to take a cooking class

o I’m a foodie and I’d like to learn the ingredients in spaghetti or other Italian foods

– Reasonsto take a film class

o I love movies and I can learn how to speak Italian and other cultural aspects

– Reasons to take a history class

o I am fond of reading documentaries and I can learn about the details through reading texts

4. If a foreigner comes to your country, what would you suggest him to take home?

– Souvenir such as keychains

– Exclusive collectibles such as a coffee mug from Starbucks

– Anything you think might be least expensive

5. Which of the following characteristics of yours do you think your friends value you the most? Cheerfulness, kindness, or intelligence.

– Cheerfulness because your friends enjoy being around you

– Kindness because you can be helpful to your friends when you’re needed

– Intelligence because you can step up and help them on their homework

6. Recall an argument you have had with others. Please describe the details of the conflict.

– What to argument about

o Transportation

o Time

o Money

7. Describe one thing you have done recently which you had never imagined you would do ten years ago.

– X-games

– Joining a varsity

– Accepted
by a college

– Working for a company of your dream

2017年5月27日托福口语Task 2考前必做操练题

1. Do you agree with the following statement? Building zoos can help to protect animals.

– Reasons to agree

o Protected from their predators and avoid natural disasters

o Adequate food and other resources

o Illness can be taken care of by vets or zookeepers

– Reasons to disagree

o Zoos are built for entertainment purposes

o Visitors’ behavior can be harmful

2. If you were accepted by the following universities, which one would you choose? The one that is more reputable with expensive tuition, or the one that is less reputable with least expensive tuition.

– Reasons to choose the more reputable college

o Helps me to find a better job in the future

o Get to know more decent Alumni for better connections in future endeavor

– Reasons to choose the less reputable college

o Money can be spent elsewhere such as taking extracurricular lessons

o One does not have to attend a reputable college in order to become a successful person

3. Do you agree with the following statement? Children should be allowed to use computers or other electronic devices as young as possible.

– Reasons to allow

o Computers are convenient

o Will be needed in the future

– Reasons not to allow

o Addiction

o Time-wasting

4. Do you agree with the following statement? Stories of celebrities from TV are irrelevant to ordinary people.

– Reasons to agree

o Most reality shows deliver phony stories

o Entertainment purpose only

– Reasons to agree

o Learn from others’ experiences

o Some stories can be inspiring

5. Some people to plan things ahead of time. Others prefer to focus on the present and not make any plans at all. Which do you prefer? Explain why with details?

– Reasons to plan ahead

o Expect the unexpected

o Save time

– Reasons not to plan ahead

o Spontaneous

o Variations

6. Some people prefer to live in places where climate does not change very much. Others prefer to live in places where climate changes with seasons. Which do you prefer? Explain why with details?

– Reasons to live in places where climate does not change much

o Save money on buying clothes

o Do not get sick easily

– Reasons to live in places where climate changes

o Different clothing styles

o Experience different seasons

7. Some students choose to take interesting and difficult classes even if they know they might not get a good grade. Others prefer to take classes that are easy but boring. Which do you prefer? Explain why with details.

– Reasons to take interesting and difficult classes

o Time passes quickly

o Encourage students to work hard

– Reasons to take boring and easy classes

o To achieve better grades

o More time to focus on other classes





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关于作者: admin
