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牛津英语搭配词典 Oxford Dictionary 英文原版英英字典 pdf

商品详情 书名:Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English牛津英语搭配词典 第二版 作者:Colin McIntosh

出版社名称:Oxford University Press




商品尺寸:15.5 x 3.7 x 23.3 cm



编辑推荐 Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English Second Edition《牛津英语搭配词典 第二版》是一本英语词汇搭配词典,有助于学习者掌握地道的英语搭配。英语词汇的搭配具有固定的用法,这常常令学习者感到困惑牛津英语搭配词典 Oxford Dictionary 英文原版英英字典 pdf,似乎无规律可寻牛津英语词典电子版下载,往往在写作或翻译时出现搭配失误,写出如learn knowledge(正确用法为acquire/get knowledge)的“中式英文”。要避免中式英语,大量进行英语阅读是一条途径。然而,当英语阅读量还不足以令自己达到母语水平时,如果要快速了解某个词与其他词的搭配用法,使用英语搭配词典是一个佳选。《牛津英语搭配词典》为此而生牛津英语词典电子版下载,目前已出版到第二版,适用于需要用英语进行写作或翻译的老师、学生或英语工作者,也适合备考雅思及托福、SAT、GRE等出国留学考试的英语学习者。





温馨提示:CD安装光盘与词典配套,一书对应一盘,不可复制。要求电脑系统是Window 7, Vista, XP以上,运行设备至少需具备128MB运行内存(建议256MB)。

TheOxford Collocations Dictionaryimproves students’ accuracy by showing them the words that work together in both British and American English. Using the dictionary develops a better awareness of which words go together and helps students sound more natural.

The dictionary is an essential tool for students preparing for the Cambridge ESOL First Certificate or Proficiency Exam, IELTS, or studying other subjects in English which require writing in English e.g. reports for a science subject, economics.

Students look up a word they know to find which words are used with it. Each entry is organized around a word and its collocates. The collocates are grouped by part of speech — i.e. verbs that collocate with the entry are listed together. Students can look up the meaning of any unfamiliar words on the CD-ROM.

25 Usage notes show students collocations shared by sets of words such as seasons, currencies, and languages.

Interactive exercises on the CD-ROM and in the 16-page photocopiable Study section put the collocations into practice, helping students to internalise them so they no longer need to keep looking them up.

内容推荐 Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English《牛津英语搭配词典》第二版:





·250,000 word combinations and 9,000 noun, verb, and adjective collocations

·75,000 examples showing how collocations are used

·25 usage notes on collocations shared by words such as seasons, currencies, and language

·Pop-up definition and spoken pronunciation for every word in the dictionary on the CD-ROM

·Thousands of interactive exercises and activities on the CD-ROM

·Genie look-up on the CD-ROM finds the words that collocate as you write 作者简介 Oxford University Press (OUP) is the largest university press in the world, and the second-oldest, after Cambridge University Press. It is a department of the University of Oxford and is governed by a group of 15 academics appointed by the Vice-Chancellor known as the Delegates of the Press. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

牛津大学出版社始创于15世纪末,是牛津大学的一个部门。牛津大学的目标直指研究、学术和教育的高水准,出版社则通过在全世界开展出版活动来推动这一宗旨的实施。五百多年来,牛津大学出版社通过高质量的研究与出版活动,已发展成每年在50多个国家出版4500多种新书的世界数一数二的大学出版社。 目录 inside front cover Abbreviations used in the dictionary本词典所用缩略语

v-ix Introduction: Using the Oxford Collocations Dictionary引言:如何使用《牛津英语搭配词典》

x-xi Guide to the entries词条用法指南

1-958 The Dictionary词典正文

centre pages Study pages学习专页

S2 Ideas into words把意见化为文字

S3-5 Using a noun entry使用名词词条

S6-7 Using a verb entry 使用动词词条

S8-9 Using an adjective entries使用形容词词条

S10-11 Common verbs常见动词搭配

S12 Natural disasters自然灾害

S12 Criminal Justice刑事司法

S13 Education教育

S13 Driving驾驶

S14 Politics政治

S15 Jobs工作

S16 Money金钱

959-63 Key to the Study pages学习专页答案 书摘与插画

牛津英语搭配词典 Oxford Dictionary 英文原版英英字典 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt

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