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快到暑假了,许多同学是不是在预备出门旅行呢?刘教师为我们收拾了一些关于旅行的口语,期望对我们有协助。1.are you going to go anyplace this year?本年你预备去啥当地吗?2.if i have enough money, i’m going to take a trip abroad.假定有满足的钱,我预备去国外旅行一次。3.how are you going? are you going by boat?你预备怎么去?预备从船吗?4.it’
s faster to go by plane than by boat.坐飞机比搭船快。5.what’s the quickest way to get there?到那儿去,最快的办法是啥?6.altogether it will take ten days to make the trip.这次旅行一共要十天。7.i hope you have a good time on your trip.祝你旅途开心。8.i’m leaving tomorrow, but i haven’t packed my suitcases yet.我预备明日启航,可是我还没有拾掇好箱子。9.i’m going by air. i like flying.我乘飞机去,我喜爱飞机。10.my brother took a trip to mexico.我的兄弟去墨西哥旅行了一次。11.it was a six-hour flight.这是一次六小时的飞机。12.how many passengers were on the train?火车上有多少旅客?13.his friend was injured in an airplane crash.他的兄弟在一次飞机事端中受了从伤。14.would you like to go for a walk?你情愿去漫步吗?15.let’s go out to the airport. the plane landed ten minutes ago.咱们到机场去吧,飞机非常钟前就着陆了。

关于作者: admin
