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First time for everything. 凡事都有第一次。

There is only so much of fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off.人真正需要的财富就这么一点,其他都是用来炫耀的。

Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。

Life is just like a box of chocolate you never know what you gonna get.


Believe you me. 你相信我。

He’s a little out of your league. 你有一点配不上他。

Let me be crystal clear. 让我说清楚。

Improvising. 随机应变。

Control your emotions. Discipline your mind. 控制你的情绪。训练你的心智。

The more you care, the more you have to lose. 你越是在意,你失去的就越多。

What’s the phase? 我该怎么说?

Working hard is important, but there’s something that matters even more.


She couldn’t take his eyes off you. 她的眼睛根本就不离开你。

Facing the stuff in real life is not like in school.面对生活中的问题是和学校中不一样的。

Let’s look on the bright side. 我们乐观点看好吗。

You are on your own. 你得靠自己了。

I can’t be of more help. 我帮不上更多忙了。

For now. 没多久了。

Let me make quite plain. 我来把事说清楚。

I’ll just leave you to your thoughts. 我就让你静一下吧。

That really was illuminating. 那真是让人茅塞顿开。

In the presence of somebody 在某人面前

Why would he keep me in the dark? 为什么他瞒着我?

I reach my limit. 我到极限了。(我受不了了)

I can vouch for that. 我可以保证。

Everything gets control. 一切在掌握之中。

That goes without saying. 那还用说吗。

Handle fear 直面恐惧

Become a textbook case. 成为教科书般的范例

I think it’s do some good. 我认为那(对你)有好处。

Prepare somebody mentally 作好心理准备

Tell me how to make things right. 告诉我如何补救.

I have no choice but to do sth 我别无选择,只好…..

There is nothing less than(不好的事物) 和…….没什么两样

Brand-new concept 崭新的概念

We’d better all clear the consequence. 我们最好都清楚最后的结果。

Without authorization 未经许可

I thank every bit of that. 我感谢你做的每一点。

It so happened that I expected. 既来之则安之。

Not particularly. 不见得。

Quite a competitor. 强劲的对手

I can’t hear that enough. 那话我百听不厌。

So you will get all the votes! 你一定会大获全胜!

I know the short cut. 我知道捷径。

Man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. 男人必须做男人应该做的事情。

I will take a pass. 我会想办法的。

Life is full of interruptions and complications.生活总是充满了中断和复杂。

Fire away. 尽管说吧!

You may be run out of chance. 你可能失去机会。

Do you mean that? 你说的是真的吗?

It’s such a self-preservation thing.这是秘密私藏的东西。

That’s gorgeous! 那真美妙/壮丽!

No stings attached! 无条件奉送!

We are going around circles. 我们在原地踏步。

With all respect? 恕我冒昧?

I think it’s a commercial break. 我想是插广告的时间了!

Remember, I was a kid once. 别忘了,我也曾经是小孩子。


关于作者: admin
