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关于 学习 的英文相关整理

关于 学习 的英文相关整理插图



During your learning,you will see three words and they stand for different periods of learning.Bachelor's degree is the first degree you will get after four years' university learning.And then,if you want to continue,you'll get Master's degree and Doctoral degree.


Learning is necessary and you will pay a lot,whether energy or money.The money you pay to be taught in school can be called tuition.

3学段Learning period

We normally use primary school,middle school ,high school and university/college.But in America,you will find people say elementary school and secondary school.Elementary school means primary school and secondary school means high school(usually9-12grades).

4教师差别Different teachers

We are familiar with the word teacher.Do you know tutor?A tutor is a teacher who teaches an individual student or a very small group.If you are learning in a university,you will find the word professor.Professor is a university teacher of the highest rank.

关于 学习 的英文相关整理插图(1)

关于作者: admin
