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3. Tom, I feel bad! Must I finish washing now?

No, you ____. You can finish it later.

A. needn’t B. may not C. mustn’t

【解答】我感触不惬意。我如今必需洗完衣服吗?-不,你没必要,你可以迟一点洗。Must I do sth?的的否认答复是No, you needn’t 或 you don’t have to .连系句意,故选A。

4. Excuse me, sir. The shoes are a bit big for me .

Don’t worry. what about this______ pair?.

A. smaller B.
larger C. largest


5. What time does she often get to work, Jim?

___about half past eight.

A. At B. In C. On


6.___an A in the Math test, Joe works harder than before.

A. Get B. Getting C. To get

【解答】为了在数学测验中得“A”, Joe比之前进修更尽力。不定式To get an A in the English exam做目标状语,故选C。

7. Don’t forget___your assignment to school tomorrow.

A. to bring B. to take C. bring

【解答】不要忘了来日诰日把你的功课带到黉舍来。forget to do sth,健忘去做某事,该事变尚未做。bring带来,离措辞人愈来愈近;take 带走,阔别措辞人。连系句意,故选A.

8. I called you ten times this afternoon ,but there was no reply.

I___tennis the whole day.

A .played B. was playing C. is playing

【解答】我今全国午给你打了10几回德律风,可是没有人复兴。—对不起,成天我都在打网球。据the whole afternoon和语境,句子要用曩昔举行时,据题意,故选B。

9. Of the two coats, I’d like to choose the___one, then I can get some money for a dress.

A. more expensive B. cheapest C. cheaper

【解答】这两件外衣中,我想选择那件更廉价的,然后我能省些钱买一个裙子。据Of the two sweaters,故用形容词比力级,故选C。

10. Is this your _____ time to visit Lanzhou?

No, I’ve been here for several times.

A. one B. first C. the first

【解答】这是你第一次来兰州吗?—不,我来过这儿许屡次。A. one 一个,B. first第一个, C. the first最早。your first time你的第一次,故选B。

11. This is the new car ___ my mom gave it to me on my twentieth birthday.

A. who B. what C. that

【解答】这是我妈妈在我的20岁生日给我买的新车。先行词car是物,故其定语从句指导词用 that,故选C。

12. Mary looks terrible now, let’s___.

A. pick her up B. cheer her up C. wake
her up

【解答】Mary如今看起来很掉,咱们让振作起来吧。A. pick her up接她,B. cheer her up让她振抖擞来,C. wake her up叫醒她。据Mary looks terrible now,故选B。

13. _____is it from your town to the library?

About 30 minutes’walk.

A. How far B. How long C. How many

【解答】从你村到念书馆有多远?-约莫30分钟的步行旅程。A. How far 多远;B. How long 多久;C. How many几多。按照答复的是间隔,故选A。

14. Jim______TV when his father got home.

A. is watching B. watches C. was watching


关于作者: admin
