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原标题:大学英语下册:Unit 1~3词汇运用操练题

Unit1Can you play the guitar?


1. Ms. Brownteaches (teach) well. We all like her.

2. Who are thesepeople (people) under the tree?

3. Paulswims (swim) for an hour every day.

4. What’s the price of the twopianos (piano)?

5. Sally canwrite (write) her name.


1. There is a table in thecenter (中心) of the room.

2. Mary usually goes to see her friends on theweekend (周末).

3. Do you know thosemusicians (音乐家), Mary?

4. I’ll go to the librarytoday (今日).

5. Alan isn’t at school. He’s athome (家).

Unit2What time do you go to school?


1. My sister brushes herteeth (tooth) every day.

2. I usually getdressed (dress) at six every day.

3. I often do morningexercises (exercise).

4. Mr Brown has ahealthy (health) life.

5. Do you have tohelp (help) others?

6. Some old
people like
taking/ to take (take) a walk after dinner.

7. My sister runsquickly (quick).

8. French-fries tastegood (well), so many people like to eat them.

9.Acting is aninteresting (interest) job.


1. My sister gets up early every day.

2. Miss Liu often tells us some funny stories in class, and we all like her.

3. There arefifty (五十) students in our class.

4. I have many interesting storybooks.

5. I stand behind agroup (组) of girls in the classroom.

Unit3How do you get to school?


1. — Is your grandmother with you?

—No, she lives with my aunt in Shanghai.

2. I think his dream can come true one day.

3. —Can we swim in the river ?

— Yes, you can.

4. There are twelve months in a year .

5. There is no bus stop between my home and the school.

B). 用所给单词的恰当方法填空。

1. It takes me forty minutesto walk (walk) to school every day.

2.My father usuallyleaves (leave) home at seven o’clock in the morning.

3.There are fivehundred (hundred) students in our school.

4. In the picture we see many oldbuses (bus).

5. I want to know what hethinksthink) of the school show.



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关于作者: admin
